My Bobbi Brown blush has been haunting me for the last year now. It's great and while I love it, I've had it for almost four years! So here's a peek into the Red Labs in regard to reconstructing a new franken-blush!

As you can see, they are a bit different. The problem I had was that I couldn't seem to finish the Nectar and the Glam Guru was in odd packaging that made it hard to get it out. As a result, I decided that combining them would be fun and a good learning experience. Sadly, there aren't very many photos since this got messy quick, but let us begin!
I broke up the pan of the Nectar blush with a bamboo skewer. I tried to break up the bigger chunks, but I figured it would be okay. Basically mixing a pressed blush and a loose powder one is somewhat difficult but still a good learning point. After breaking it up, I added the the powder blush and leveled the top.
After trying to make sure the two blushes were mixed as best as I could, I then added the alcohol. I did a direct pour of alchohol into the pan and when I realized I added too much too quickly (sigh), I went into recon mode. I took a paper towel and pressed into the powder mixture to get the excess alcohol and stop any overflow. Once it seemed stable, I grabbed some baby wipes and cleaned the outside of the pan and the surrounding area.
Here's the "new" blush a few days after the experiment when I knew that the blush was fully dried. I have since cleaned it up a bit more but overall, I'm pretty happy with this experiment.
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